Three of the biggest factors we measure for when testing indoor air quality are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde. High levels of these contaminants can be dangerous to both productivity and health, and each is commonly found in buildings that are crowded, are under construction, are not up-to-code, or have recently had new furnishings installed. Click below to learn more about how we test for each, and why testing is so important for your health.
VOC Testing
You’ll likely hear this acronym used frequently by Hawk inspectors. VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, can accumulate as building materials emit gases. Because of their prominence and tendency to cause allergic reactions at high levels, we commonly incorporate this approach in testing plans.
CO2 Testing
If carbon dioxide is a natural atmospheric compound, why is it monitored during air quality testing? Excess CO2 can be a telltale sign of insufficient ventilation, and if we detect abnormal levels, it may be time to consider an air filter or other upgrade.
Formaldehyde testing
Formaldehyde falls into the VOC category, but because the EPA recognizes it as a carcinogen at high levels under long-term exposure, it deserves its own distinction. Though traces are present in urban areas with high concentrations of automobile exhaust, this VOC becomes airborne indoors when emitted from furnishings and building materials.
- Broad total VOC testing with a parts per billion photo-ionizing detector
- Broad specific VOC testing via EPA TO-15 testing with mass-spectrometry analysis
- Specific VOC testing via sorbent tubes, summa canisters, or tedlar bags:
- Formaldehyde
- Acetylaldehyde
- Benzene
- Xylene
- Freon
- Acetone
- Methylene chloride
- Countless others
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Radon
- Combustion byproducts:
- CO (carbon monoxide)
- HS (hydrogen sulfide)
- NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
- O2 (oxygen)
- Petroleum gases
- Combustible gases
- Ozone (O3)
- Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
- Phosphine (PH3)
- Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
- Chlorine (CL2)
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Mold:
- Mold spores
- Bulk mold testing
- Sewage bacteria:
- Coliform
- E. coli
- Enterococcus
- Legionella
- Alergens:
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Skin cells
- Pet dander
- Rodent dander
- Laser particle counting
- Dust analysis
- Soot analysis
- Filtration evaluations
- Silica levels