

How to create a cleaning and testing procedure for Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in your building?

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted every person and business in the United States, and the risks for infection and liability are still poorly understood.  Many of our clients have been asking for guidance or protocols on what they should do to clean and sanitize their buildings.  While full and formal procedures have not yet been adopted on a national level,

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Air Filtration for Coronavirus: What is the best filter choice?

Why HEPA is the best choice for combatting coronavirus:  As the global pandemic of the disease known as COVID-19 grows in size, businesses and home owners are trying to find ways to protect themselves, their employees, and their customers.  We know that one of the ways that the coronavirus can be transmitted is through respiratory droplets in the air.  Improving

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What Types of Surface Testing for Coronavirus are Available?

With the recent pandemic of coronavirus that causes COVID 19, there are a few different types of test kits for surfaces and buildings that are now being shipped.  When choosing a style or type of test kit, its very important to understand how the technology works.  Will the test kit be measuring for simple proteins which may be already present

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How long can coronavirus (COVID-19) live on surfaces?

With the recent outbreak of corona virus, which causes the disease COVID19, in the United State and other countries, proper cleaning and sanitation is paramount. It is well known that this virus can be spread by touching contaminated surfaces. Many non-essential businesses are closing along with schools and other facilities.  But, businesses who’s clients are not put at risk or must

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