Dan Ventura
Indoor Environmental Professional
- Skills
- AHERA asbestos surveys
- Lead-paint surveys
- Lead risk assessments
- Mold and Moisture Testing and Inspection
- Odor Evaluation and Investigations
- Building Diagnostics
- Particulate testing, analysis, and exposure evaluations
- General Indoor Air Quality Assessments and Testing
- Toxic Gases Monitoring and Measurement
- Specific and Total VOC Testing
- Soil Testing
- Ventilation and Filtration Assessments
- EPA and NIOSH testing protocols and procedures
- Equipment Familiarity
- Toxic gas analyzers
- Photo-ionizing detectors
- Blower Door
- Balometer
- Low-flow sampling pumps
- Building Control Systems
- Summa canisters
- Thermo-hydgometer
- Laser Particle Counters
- Micro-manometer
- Infra-red camera
- Data-logging and telemetry setups
- Sorbent tubes
- Sampling cassettes
- Past and Current Certifications
- AHERA building inspector (asbestos)
- WA State Lead Risk Assessor
- MICRO Mold Remediation Technician
- IICRC Odor Control Technician
- WA State Lead Inspector
- BPI Building Analyst
- IICRC Water Remediation Technician
Ben Tressel
BPI Building Analyst, Energy Star Verifier, Ahera Asbestos Inspector
Ben Tressel is a Building Performance Institute certified building analyst and a licensed energy auditor with EnergySavvy and Earth Advantage, helping homeowners certify their energy-efficient structure is compliant with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ben holds an AHERA asbestos inspector (under the EPA’s Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) certification. Ben has been involved in building since a child when he helped his father during school vacations doing carpentry and painting, and he has firsthand knowledge of the whole spectrum- from breaking ground for foundation footings to handing the keys over to a new homeowner. This range of experience ensures a holistic approach to every home.