Is your family suffering from a seemingly endless round of allergies? Is half of your staff calling in sick? During cold and flu season, it can be difficult to determine weather your symptoms and illness are a result of poor indoor air quality, or just a consequence of a taxed immune system.
Although illness is common this time of year, homeowners and office managers should be aware of the health risks associated with poor air quality. While some airborne agents have an odor to alert us to their presence, most are silent and invisible, hurting our health and business (in the case of an office or workplace with poor air quality).
These days, most of us have carbon dioxide alarms installed in our homes, right next to the fire alarm. We’re aware of the deadly risks associated with high levels of CO2. However, unhealthy CO2 levels that are significantly below fatal levels still have harmful and suboptimal effects. Common symptoms include reduced productivity and lethargy, which is not only unhealthy for your employees, but it also hurts your bottom line.
Volatile Organic Compounds (commonly known as VOCs) are harmful gasses that are released as chemical contaminants from building materials and other products. VOCs can be the cause of a variety of health problems, including headaches, nausea, and difficulty breathing.
Professional indoor air quality testing investigates and analyzes all of the common causes of poor air quality, including tests of CO2 and VOC levels. We check your ventilation and HVAC systems to make sure they are sufficient and well-maintained, look for water damage that affects air quality, and run other tests to determine the condition of your indoor air.
To learn more about our indoor air quality testing for residential homes as well as office buildings, or to book your testing session, please contact us.
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